Rifle Gape reservoir / USA Day 4 |
Rifle Gape resovoir på natten Rifle Gape reservoir on the night
800x600x24(RGB) 2006-08-08 03:38:16 |
Rifle Gape resovoir på morgonen Rifle Gape reservoir on the morning
800x600x24(RGB) 2006-08-08 07:04:46 |
800x600x24(RGB) 2006-08-08 07:10:56
Text: "Det finns några som kan leva utan naturens liv och andra som inte kan" Aldo Leopold (fritt översatt /rw) texten i övrigt kommer jag inte att översätta
Watching wildlife has become a passion - hunting with my camera and spotting scope lends a different perspective to my relations whit the world around me.
Glad to see that the Watchable Wildlife program has (page 2) designated special areas where I am likely to see animals. The Colorado Wildlife Viewing Guide I got from the state park bookstore has all the best sites marked. In the field, I am careful to respect the boundaries set property owners and by the animals themselves I could tell I was to close to grazing elk the other day when one spotted me and snorted. Tension sparked from one to the other until the whole herd was ready to run. From now on, I'll keep my distance and make as little noise as possible.
800x600x24(RGB) 2006-08-08 07:13:06 |
Text: So many habitats hers - it's like a patchwork quilt decorated with many of the wildlife species fund in western Colorado
800x600x24(RGB) 2006-08-08 07:13:36 |
All sort of creatures slip silently through the landscape at dawn and twilight, the best times for viewing wildlife. I watch the meadows, roadsides, and watering places to see the greatest variety of birds, mammals, reptiles and other living things. When no animals are around, it gives me a chance to study the plants and weather patterns - there's always something to catch my interest. I've learned that photographing wildlife without a telephoto lens usually doesn't work well, but other than that this is a great activity that anyone can do without much equipment. In fact, just taking advantage of all my
(page 2) senses to be the bets approach I do like to carnie this notebook and a pencil - gives me a chance to make quick sketches, jot a few notes, and keep track of where and when I see what. And pocket-knife or tweezers let me pick apart an owl pellet or a fox scat to see where's been on the menu lately. Hard to remember to stay in the car - sometimes I'd like to get closer, but I know it's safer for me and the animals to use the car as an observation blind.
800x600x24(RGB) 2006-08-08 07:14:10 |
Text: Colorado's wild! Can't wait to get stated on my trek through the 23 million acres of public lands
Get maps and information from all sorts of ageneses - US Forest Service, National Park Service, US Fish & Wildlife Service, and the local county cities.
Colorado Division of wildlife, Colorado State Parks, and BLM give me information about good things to see and do with elevation from 3.350 to 14.443 feet, I can see over 900 wild spices, including over 400 species of birds. Seem no matter wher you are in Colorado, you are not fare from wildlife
800x600x24(RGB) 2006-08-08 07:14:26 |
Text: Page 1: I often wonder about the effects of introducing certain fish species into a place they don't naturally occur. I know wildlife management agencies are very careful these days about moving. fish around. Sometimes other people introduce fish into a waterway without realizing the, actions, could destroy the fishery by bring in disease or disrupting the natural food. Page 2: Brown trout - best fishing is just after ice-off and in the fall, some 7 - 8 pound fish here..... smallmouth bass - stocked in late 1960s, now reproducing naturally here, big ones are 2 - 3 pounds…… crayfish - natural food source for other species …… rainbow trout - stocked by Division of Wildlife, grow up to 25 punds Page 3 Black crappie - reproduce naturally here Walleye - stocked in late 1960s, now reproducing naturally, abut 7 punds
Yellow perch - reproduce naturally here and provide food for walleye
Map from south to north: Grand Junction, Colorado River, Rifle, Rifle Gap Reservoir
800x600x24(RGB) 2006-08-08 07:15:04 |
En nyfiken liten krabat jordekorren. A nosy little fellow, the Colorado chipmunk
800x600x24(RGB) 2006-08-08 08:31:46 |
800x600x24(RGB) 2006-08-08 08:32:32 |
Det är kallt i vattnet The water is cold
800x600x24(RGB) 2006-08-08 12:01:00 |
Det finns fler olika typer av publika område i USA, här är några av dem National Parks Service område (NPS), (motsvarar våra nationalparker), USDA Forest Service område, (motsvara domänverkets skogar mm), Bureau of Land Management (BLM-land), State Lands och State Parks (motsvarar övriga parker), men inte någon av dessa typer kan jämföras med svenska förhålland eftersom vi har våran allemansrätt. Ther are various types of public lands in USA, here is som of them National Parks Service område (NPS), (in Sweden Nationalparker), USDA Forest Service område, (in Sweden National Forest Enterprise), Bureau of Land Management (BLM-land), State Lands och State Parks, this diffrent types of public lands can not compares whit ouer Swedish legal right of access to private land (open country)
800x600x24(RGB) 2006-08-08 12:03:06 |
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800x600x24(RGB) 2006-08-08 12:31:30
800x600x24(RGB) 2006-08-08 12:33:08
800x600x24(RGB) 2006-08-08 13:05:30
Tranor Whooping crane
800x600x24(RGB) 2006-08-08 13:06:40 |
En vägg av sandsten bildar ett naturligt vindskydd på golfbanan A wind shield of sandstone on the golf course
800x600x24(RGB) 2006-08-08 14:53:44 |