Ett vattenfall högt uppe i berget ovanför Telluride, man kan även se någon form av rektangulär träkonstruktion det ser ut som en dörr eller något liknande A waterfall high up at the mountain in Telluride, you can also see some tree-construction or somthing rectangular lock like a dorr
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På väg tillbaka till Lakewood från Telluride vet inte exakt var On the road towardes Lakewood from Telluride I can tell You exact where.
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Ute Indian Museum Monterose, Colorado
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Photo © D.Adner 800x600x24(RGB) 2006-08-11 18:43:00
OURAY (1833-1880) Ouray, or the "Arrow" was born in 1833 near Taos. New Mexico of a Jicarilla Apache father and a Tabeguache Ute mother As a child, he was adopted by a Mexican (amity and raised in the Spanish language and Roman Catholicism Not until his lait teens did Ouray fully enter into the life off his mother's people Yet. so great was his renown as a warrior that by the mid-1860s he was chief ot the Tabeguache Utes. and the United States regarded him as the leader of the Ute Nation Multicuitured — he spoke lour languages — and a man ot great wisdom, determination, and courage. Ouray fought to preserve the very soul of his people — a cause he lived and died for. Captionas to the left of group photograph Ute delegation to Washington D.C, in 1874. Ouray and Chipeta are in the front row, center. Others pictured are, back row, left to right, Washington, Susan (Ouary's sister), Johnston No. 2, Captain Jack,John. Middle Row: Uriah M. Curtis (interpreter), James B. Thompson (Denver Ute agent), Charles Adams (Los Pinos agent). Otto Mears (government negotiator and interpreter). Front Row: Guero, Chipeta, Ouray, Piah (Chipeta's brother). Colorado Historical Society.
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Captions CHIPETA (1843-1924) She was born a Kiowa Apache but raised a Tabeguache Ute In 1859 she married Ouray, and the two of them became inseparable Photographs of Chipe reveal a woman who appears utterly serene and at peace with herself. The historical record speaks of her dignity, her devotion to husband and family, and her attention to the needs of others Like Ouray she apparently moved easily among whites, who spoke glowingly of her beauty and "queenly" demeanor When Ouray died in 1880 Chipeta was forced to leave the farm and take up life with other Tabeguache Utes on the Wea reservation lands of eastern Utah, where she died in 1924 Later her rermaines there moved here to the farm she loved. The compleat text to right of the house Ouray and Chipeta's Farm Ouray and Chipeta settled here in the Uncompahgre Valley sometime in the 1860s. When the Los Pinos Agency moved to this valley in 1875, Ouray was already working a 500-acre farm, and living in a six-room adobe house, located one-quarter mile north of this point. This Ouray and Chipeta filled with chairs, iron beds, silververware and china, a piano, and they even hired a Hispanic servant, who answered the ring of a silver bell and drove a fancy carriage. All this was in the vain hope that by showing government officials Utes were capable of adapting white ways, their people might escape reservartion life and retain their Western Slope homeland
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